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Deconstruction & Reconstruction

Krista Hoffman

Since emerging from my own religious deconstruction and reconstruction I have committed my life's work to helping others to experience the possibility of a full life on the other side of healing religious trauma. While I no longer consider myself a Christian, at least not a traditional one, I have found a different kind of faith that puts nature and our common humanity first.

I hope that sharing these few bits of what my journey has looked like so far helps to:

  • reassure you that you are not alone.

  • encourage you to reclaim your voice.

  • give you perspective, that if I can heal from all the early childhood indoctrination I was subjected to with my sensitivities, that you can too.

  • understand some of my mindset changes and how I dug my way out.

  • create a safe space for interaction that helps you reclaim your inner authority.

My personal deconstruction looked like…

  1. Questioning everything that didn’t feel right for years.

  2. Trying desperately to make everything work together by picking it apart and reconstructing different ways.

  3. Coming to the end of it all after realizing that it didn’t work together no matter what I tried.

  4. Realizing that no one had “the truth” and just couldn’t admit it.

  5. Trying not to “throw the baby out with the bath water.”

  6. Burning it all to the ground.

  7. Walking away completely unattached. (Not that things didn’t still come up for me from the lingering thought and behavior patterns, just that I didn’t identify with them anymore.)

My personal reconstruction looked like…

  1. Seeing others who were ruled by joy, strength, and an open heart. It gave me hope that being that was possible for me.

  2. Looking at what they believed and how they interpreted life.

  3. Looking at other spiritual ways of engaging with life and noticing the similarities between them and what I experienced in the Bible as positive.

  4. Learning about how we function and work as humans on a biological and psychological level.

  5. Learning about spiritual abuse, brainwashing, and how the abused and brainwashed survive and try to manage life after.

  6. Worked with therapists and coaches on my own healing.

  7. Got to know myself…my preferences, my values, how I tick, etc.

  8. Coming to understand that I am good. I can glean all the things from the universe wherever it is found to enhance my experience of being on this earth and part of this creation.

  9. Also, this process is ongoing. It feels magical and amazing to me.


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