Programs & Session Information
I always ask my clients at the end of each session, “what was most helpful for you today?” Here are the top three things they appreciate the most. The first is unpacking the way they felt bothered. There is a sense of relief and clarity when they begin to name all components of this previously nebulous thing. Instead of having this distress or unease floating around behind the scenes, they now understand what it is, where it came from, why it’s here, and what to do to move through it. Many times they also complete the session with a game plan they feel confident in. The second is seeing how the place they feel stuck or triggered is connected to a childhood relationship they thought they had gotten past or forgiven. And they probably have forgiven and no longer hold a grudge, but that doesn’t mean they are not still affected by the pattern and neurological pathway created at the time. Seeing the connection is often the first big shift towards healing because that behavior now makes sense. It doesn’t feel like it is controlling them behind the scenes. And while what is connecting it may not be fully resolved yet, they finally understand there is nothing wrong with them because they can see how the unwanted behavior or feeling came to be and why it keeps showing up. The third is when a deep pattern resolves, and an experience like “My mom took care of me, and I know she must have loved me, but I’ve never felt loved by her”, becomes “although my mom was still who she was, I finally feel the love she did have for me.” Another example would be, “I finally feel that I can trust myself, and say what is true for me.” There is nothing I love more about this work, than being able to witness these transformations in my clients whom I have come to care so deeply about. And I look forward to being able to witness this with many more. Hopefully some of those will be you. Till then…
Love & Light!

Custom Coaching
Single Session
Perhaps you've already completed “Forward in Freedom” but want to continue working together. Some clients call these single sessions, "tune-ups."
Or maybe you'd like to experience the difference that support can make in your deconstruction journey before embarking on “Forward in Freedom.”
Single (90) minute sessions at $210/session

If you are no longer practicing your religion the way you were taught (or at all) and are struggling to live out your personal convictions in the world, don't despair. “Forward in Freedom” is a journey in reclaiming your agency and your whole wonderful self. Designed to support you along the path of deep-seated inner knowing, self-acceptance, and delight in who you are and have always been, “Forward in Freedom” will help you reclaim your mind, body, and spirit.
Forward in Freedom
A 90-Day Journey

Custom Coaching
Four Session Package
Perhaps you've already completed “Forward in Freedom” but know that there is more support you want. Four session packages allow for deepening your practices and weaning from support.
Or maybe you'd like to address or clear specific aspects of your personal experience before embarking on “Forward in Freedom.”
Four-session packages are available at $800.

In Each Session
Every session is a reclamation of a part of yourself.
You will be guided through various Integrative Energy Psychology methods to help you process small-t trauma, and rewrite the patterns you have been programmed with. With these various methods, you'll be able to feel your feelings, instead of resisting them, and you will start to understand how they are informing what you think, believe, and may be projecting into the future. I will help you consciously interact with your experiences and beliefs about the past, and your conditioned patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. We get clear on what it is you would like your experience to be, and then we begin various processes to help clear and restructure what is blocking your agency, your body and your life.

Try a free 50-min session in a safe and protected space to experience the difference that support can make.
50 min